I was elected Troop Librarian in November of 2010, June of 2011, November of 2011, and again in May of 2012.
We didn't actually have much of a library, and much of what we do have is quite old, but because I have been working on quite a few merit badges, my parents allowed me to donate the 50+ merit badge pamphlets that we already had, and I made color-coded three-ring binders with covers and individual pockets for them (and those that we would be able to add later) as well as individual sign out sheets for the merit badge pamphlets.
It was my hope that this would allow us to keep the pamphlets organized and track how they were being used. I have uploaded the Word Files that I created for this purpose, and they are linked below.
Note: For the binders, I used Avery 1 Inch Durable 3 ring Binders (9 Inches by 7 Inches) and Binder Inserts (5 inches by 8.5 Inches) which fit the Merit Badge Pamhplets snugly, both of which I got at Staples.
They are free for anyone who wants to use them. All that I would ask is that if they are useful to you, that you let other people know about them too, and try to do something useful for Scouting in return without asking for any recognition or reward.